March 2014: Summary & Photos

March 3, 2014: I am now 67.7 = 148.94 pounds

March 6, 2014: Since I’ve been off on maternity leave, I’ve been trying to arrange playdates for E, work on my wedding directory & his photo books. It’s surprising how two weeks went by so fast! E has been enjoying his time at home and with his grandparents. Today, I go to go with E. and the school to watch Busytown at Granville Island. When we were entering, E freaked out. He started saying he didn’t want to go inside and tried to pull me back outside. It was pretty tough …thank goodness Ms Portia, E’s teacher, offered to help me carry him up the stairs. Once he was seated, I was able to calm him down. I knew E may get scared at the show, so I brought him lamb blanket. I brought out his the blanket and told him if he’s scared to cover his eyes with his blanket. Once the show started, he was fine. Throughout the performance he smiled and laughed. Everyone could hear him giggle! His favourite part was when the worm wiggle & dance. He pretty much started sitting on his own chair within 5 mins of the show. After the show, we went home to eat, than off to Science World to check out their Lego Exhibition. The Lego Exhibition was really good. E stayed there for an hour! Afterwards, we walked around a bit. E was so happy to play there!
March 7, 2014: E had his first play date with J – one of his best friends from school. When I picked E up from school, his teacher was telling me how excited they were. They’ve been telling the teachers about their after school playdate. When we came over to J’s place, I got to chat with J’s mom while the kids played. E had a fantastic time playing with J. J showed him his toy cars, they made a fort, etc. They were so proud of their fort – it was so cute. Glad E had lots of fun!
March 11, 2014: E had a playdate with Z, another close friend of E. They came over for lunch & they played toys. They made such a mess, but E and Z had a lot of fun.
March 12, 2014 Today was E swimming class and everyone was away. He was the only kid in class! E was really good. He did good kicks and even jumped into the pool. He still tries to negotiate with his teacher, but it never works. There was one part where he had to push his body and float from one small island to the next. Instead of pushing, he realized he could just jump from one island to the next. He kept doing that, even though the teacher told him a few times that he has to push and float. He responded by saying to his teacher, “Isn’t that funny?” She couldn’t help but laugh too. There was also this rainbow island in the middle of the pool. Throughout the lesson, he would tell his teacher, “I don’t want to go on there.” At the end, his negotiation did not work. He still end up jumping from the rainbow island to the water. This class was definitely worth the time and money! It was cool how he had his own personal teacher! Lots of swimming for 1/2 an hour!
Love: His “raise the roof” action. That’s his new thing. When he does something funny or interesting, he will raise both of his hands by his face and “raise the roof.” Apparently, he got it from Dino Dan – one of his favourite cartoons. E has been learning a lot about dinosaurs such as their names, if they’re eat meat eater or vegetable eaters. He even knows to call them carnivores or herbivores.
March 14, 2014: E’s new things is if you do something nice or something he approves of, he would say, “you’re the best mommy / daddy in the whole wide world.” He will than offer you a prize, “you get a prize.” The prize is usually one of his toys.
March 15, 2014: We bought tickets to Busytown, not knowing his school was going to take them. E enjoyed another showing of Busytown with Daddy and me. E still enjoyed the show, especially when the worm dances.
When we got home, E notices one of his Daddy’s Kreo Transformers in his closet. He asks his daddy if they can open it. His Daddy said they’ll open it when it’s 3pm. E than comes to me and tells me to bring the clock down so he can change the time to read 3pm. I obviously said no, but I was impress.
March 17, 2014: 68.4 kg
March 31, 2014: 69.2 kg

February 2014: Summary & Photos

February 19, 2014: Baby been kicking so much. It’s still neat to see her limbs protrude out of my belly. You can feel her limbs outside the belly. It’s still cute when E still makes his surprise face when she kicks him on his hand.

February 28, 2014: E went to the Vancouver Symphony in a yellow school bus! It was his first time on the school bus and he was so excited! It seems he was more excited about the bus than attending the Symphony.

When he came home, I asked him how his field trip went. He told me he found some parts scary and some parts funny. I know he gets a bit nervous at shows, so I emailed his teacher to see how it went. Below is his teacher’s response:

“Ethan was great today! He got a little nervous when peer gynt came on. But he just sat in my lap while that was playing and other than that he seemed to really enjoy himself! Declan and Ethan thought the conductor was very silly and he even went and sat by Marcus at the end! ”

January 2014: Summary & Photos

January 2, 2014: E had his first Hamachi Sashimi at Zest

January 8, 2014: E’s First Swimming Class

E did really well on his first day at swimming class! He walked into the pool holding daddy’s hand and sat on the steps while the teacher sang songs. He did tell his teacher he didn’t want to put his head in the water – he was very vocal about it. His teacher was really good with pushing him to do other things, such as blowing bubbles in the water and dipping the back of his head in the water. Overall, we were proud there were no tears! There were moments he was going to cry, but the teacher was really good in distracting him. At the end of class, all the kids had to jump from the pool side into the water. E didn’t want to jump, but one of the assistant picked him up and dropped him in. He didn’t like it, but no tears. Daddy got him cleaned up & we gave him two chocolate candies as treats! We were proud that he tried his best.

January 13, 2014: Had my doctor’s appointment today. I am now 64.5 kg. Baby is healthy and doing well.

 January 15, 2014: This is E’s second time at swimming. He cried a bit this time and kept telling his teacher not to put his head under the water. E’s happiest time is when he got swimming toys!

January 17, 2014: E was at his Po Po’s house and saw his cousin’s B old baby bottles. He asks his Po Po what it was & she said that was his cousn’s B bottles and she will need to throw it out. E tells her, “don’t throw it out – keep it for mei mei (his little sister).”

E has already wanting to share things & keep things for his sister. He’s been telling me he wants to save this and that for his sister. On TV they were talking about brother & sisters. His Po Po ask E if he has any and E said he’ll have a sister soon. He’s really excited.

January 18, 2014: Assessment at Stratford Elementary School

The assessment was 1.5 hours. There were 4 children groups. When E had to go with the teacher, he was good leaving us, no tears. While he was there, we went to another building and had our 5 minutes interview with one of the teachers. She was really nice. She wanted to know E’s character and to make sure he fits into the school & their culture. We told them E is shy at first, but once he feels comfortable, will be himself – playful and talkative. He’s very observant and prefers “safe” environment. We would like E to be well rounded. We’re still seeing what he likes to do and are supportive regardless it’s academic / arts / sports etc. After the meeting, we got to walk around the building. There were also snacks for the parents! After the assessment, the teachers brought the kids back. E was so happy to see us! They gave him cookies, which he still had in his hand. He ran to me with a big smile, telling me he drank all his apple juice! He also gave me two pieces of paper with his drawing on it. When we were leaving, Miss Scott came by and said he was weary (had a few tears) in the beginning, but was easily comforted and eventually warmed up.

When we were in the car I asked E if he gives the school a thumbs up or down & he gave it a thumbs up. He said he liked the teachers, he got to cut shapes of a heart and glue it on a piece of paper. It sounds like he had lots of fun.

 January 20, 2014: E felt baby kicked for the first time! He was super excited when baby kicked him on his hand. He was describing to me how it felt with his hand on my hand.

January 21, 2014: Today was E’s 3rd time skating! He had a lot of fun! His Daddy said he did really well & towards the end was walking a lot on the ice while holding his teacher’s hand. He is slowly learning to get back up when he falls down on the ice.

January 23, 2014: For Art Class, E is learning about Andy Warhol. We decided today he will wear his Andy Warhol “Campbell” T-shirt to school. His teacher asked him if it was what they were learning and he nods his head. His teachers Ms. P & Ms. S both said his t-shirt was cool & that made E smile. I think he was very proud to wear his t-shirt. He now has a little reading bag & reading log he brings home. His teacher will go over flash cards, matching cards, or letter pointer with E in class and E would bring it home for us to go over with him again.

Tomorrow will be E & and his Daddy’s trip to the Aquarium with E’s school.

January 28, 2014: E did really well today at skating! He walked around the rink without falling, although a few times he tried to hold his instructor hand so it’ll be easier to skate.

January 29, 2014: E did really well at swimming today, even though he didn’t want to go . When he was there, he was fine. It was a nice small class today with only him & his classmate Maiya. She was away the last few classes, so we didn’t know they were in the same class. I can tell E was happy to have a friend in his class.
Today, he did everything the teacher asked. He blew small bubbles, had his face in the water, floated, and got assistance from the teacher to jump into the water. He hated that the most. The good news was him wearing googles! We had him try on their goggles for the class and he wore it the whole time, so we bought the same pair for E. He was so happy to have a new pair of googles.
January 30, 2014: When E feels baby kicks, he will get so excited He will say maybe it’s cause she wants to come out and see me. He’s already telling us if baby says bad words, he’ll tell us or if baby cries, he will tell us. 

December 2013: Summary & Photos

December 4, 2013: When E’s daddy do something or say something “weird,” E would go, “what’s wrong with you baba?”

December 6, 2013: Meeting the Canuck

E’s been super excited to see the Canucks practice. He kept telling his Daddy that he’ll be so jealous. When E’s Daddy dropped E off at the Arena, E started to cry. His teacher had to comfort him. When E was picked up, E told his Daddy he had a wonderful time. He got Daniel Sedin & Finn’s card. Unfortunately, he lost Finn’s card. He was so sad, but Ms. Sarah said she’ll see if she can get another one for him.

On Saturday, E kept telling me how cool Friday was. That day I also got an email from Ms. Sarah telling me they got an extra Finn card. When I told E, he was so happy! On Monday, Ms. Sarah gave E the card. Such a thoughtful school!

December 8, 2013: Recently, E has been holding his pencil correctly and been drawing a lot. Today he drew a few dinosaurs, which we used to make our Christmas cards.

December 10, 2013:  E’s First Time Skating

Today at school, E had yoga and practice for the Christmas Concert. He told me he did a lot of “march march” and “salute.” I asked him where he will be standing in the concert and he keeps telling me I will find out later.

After school, E had skating. At first, he didn’t want to put on his skates or helmet. We eventually convince him to put on his skates & we let him choose the helmet. He chose the blue helmet to wear. When it was his one on one class, E cried when we left him with his teacher. To distract him, his teacher took him onto the skating rink. E was all smiles once he was on the rink. He fell a few times – but overall he did really well. He’s learning to stand up after falling, take baby steps on the ice & he got to draw on the ice! His favourite part was when his teacher place him on this object that they used as a “sled” and pushed him around the rink. He was so happy! Afterwards, he tells me he loves skating. I told him maybe we’ll get him blue skates and a blue helmet – he was so happy!

After dinner we made snowflakes. He loved making snow flakes. Before bedtime, E helped placed the snowflakes on the window.

December 12, 2013: It’s a Girl!

Today was the detailed ultra sound, which took over an hour because the baby kept moving! We did find out the baby is healthy & it’s a GIRL! Even though I knew it would be a girl, I’m so glad it’s confirmed. We’re extremely happy and nervous. We never expected to have a girl, so this was a nice surprise. After the ultrasound, we had a late lunch at Oscar & shopping at Metrotown. We took photos with Santa, where we bumped into E’s old classmate, Mykah. Afterwards, we went to Vanya for dinner where E tried his first Negitoro. He liked it! Afterwards, he went to his Po Po’s house.

December 14, 2013: E helped me packed little candy bags for his classmates for Christmas. After, while we were wrapping presents, I told E he can start making his dad’s birthday present and card. He made a card where he stuck lots of stickers on. Later, he asked his dad what kind of toys he would like. E started grabbing his own toys he thought his dad would like and started wrapping them with paper. He ended up choosing and wrapping two of his own toys for his dad.

Today was the first time E’s daddy felt baby girl kick! It was pretty cool to know people can now feel baby’s kick.

December 16, 2013: Today was my OB appointment. We are happy to hear the baby’s detailed ultrasound was good and baby was healthy. We now have 20 more weeks left before we get to see our precious little girl.

December 18, 2013: E has started telling us we’re being mean when we say or do something he feels is mean. For example: When G called E “fat boy,” E would go: “Mommy, Daddy called me fat boy.” I will than need to ask G to apologies  and G will go “sorry for calling you fat boy.” If we hit E on his bum bum, E will go “Daddy, Mommy hit my bum.” He’s definitely good at tattle telling. E’s mispronunciation is still really cute.

December 19, 2013: Daddy’s Birthday & Winter Concert

Today was E’s Daddy’s Birthday & his Winter Concert. We were all excited to attend. E is dressed up as a nutcracker. We got him all dressed up, got all the camera’s ready and headed out.

We waited outside his classroom as E went inside to set up. When the parents came in, they were given an outline of the show & the cast. E was standing there with a soldier hat & red cheeks. OMG – so cute!

The first song they sang was “Jingle Bell Rock.” You can tell E was really nervous because he wasn’t looking at the audience & kept looking away. He still danced and sang, but you can tell he was really nervous. We were worried he’ll be stiff throughout the whole concert. Surprisingly, when they sang the second song, he warmed up. He danced, sang and was smiling! He looked at us, and gave us a big smile. The 5 years old gave the introductions & played the instruments. The girls had their solo with their ballet dance & the boys did their marching / soldier dance. It was so cute! E looked like he really enjoyed it! At the end of the concert, the kids gave us a gift they made. We also had snacks and treats. E enjoyed the treats. I told him today is the last day he’ll see everyone until the New Year. The whole time we were there, he played with his friends! It was so nice to see how confident & comfortable he was at school. We ended up being one of the last ones to leave. Even than he wanted to stay in the playground to play! It was nice to chat with the other parents thou. Hopefully we’ll be able to do some play dates with his friends!! His close friends are:

  • Zachary
  • Markus
  • Jacob

After the concert, we dropped off our Kindergarten application to our school district. The school didn’t give me a super friendly vibe. I’m hoping we’ll have a few other schools to choose from.

For lunch, we went to Burgoo, than Beta5 to pick up the chocolate tree for E’s daddy’s present. We went home to open presents. E’s daddy loved the card E made, the presents E wrapped up & the ones I bought. Afterwards, we went to the Stanley Park Train Ride. The train ride was a Charlie Brown theme! It was so fun! E really enjoyed it and the decorations. After the train ride, we went to Zest for dinner. It was super yummy! E enjoyed all his food! We went home to cut the cake. The next day, we slept in.

December 20, 2013: E Played in the snow with his Daddy, Po Po and Uncle Ben. He had so much fun! The funniest conversation was:
  • Uncle Ben: Let’s make a snowman
  • E: Yea – so we can throw snowballs at it
  • Uncle Ben: You’re going to throw snowballs at a helpless snowman
  • E: yea! that’ll be so much fun
  • Daddy: maybe we’ll make the snowman bad so that’s why you are throwing snowballs at it

When the snowman was done, E tried throwing snowballs at it but kept missing.

December 24, 2013: We celebrated Christmas Eve by going to Oru at Pacific Rim Fairmont. We had our own room, so it was a nice time to spend with family. The kids had a lot of fun! Afterwards, we went to Po Po & Gong Gong’s place to open presents. E was happy to be able to open presents with his cousins S & B.
December 25, 2013: E was so excited to wake up to presents and to know Santa ate his cookies and drank the milk he left out for him. The morning was spent opening presents and E playing with his new toys. Christmas evening was spent at his Ma Ma & Ye Ye’s home with the family. After dinner, the kids opened their presents. It is always fun to see the smiles on the kids face when they open their presents.
December 26 to December 31, 2013: Christmas Break was mainly spent with family. It was a nice break.

November 2013: Photos & Summary

November 12, 2013: E’s gong gong is back in Vancouver, so we’ve been going out and eating a lot. I’m still in my first trimester (almost 16 weeks) and have been feeling sick. The doctor decided to place me on home rest for 3 weeks. I got to enjoy seeing E at home and bringing him to parks, Science World, etc. I’m also grateful to be feeling baby moving around and fluttering in my tummy!
November 13, 2014: Today was E’s parents observation. It was the first time for us to enter E’s classroom and observe E’s daily task. Even though it was only 15 minutes, we got a glimpse of what he does on a daily basis at school. When we came in and sat down, E didn’t notice we were there. He was busy with his “work.” It was not until he finished, that he looked up and saw us. His eyes were glowing. He smiled and said, “mommy!.” He came running to give me a hug. As he was coming towards me, he looks around and goes, “where’s daddy?” When he saw daddy in the other side of the room, he runs down to hug him. I told him, “ok, you have to go and do your work now. I want to see what you do at school.”
Jacob, one of his friends at school asks E if he wants to do the boxes together, E goes, “ok.” They worked together on the boxes. After it was done, they put it away. Lucy, E’s other friend than comes up to him and holds his hand. Than Jacob holds his hand. It was so cute. Eventually, Lucy & E goes to the chinchilla cage. It was now time for us to go. 15 minutes went by fast. It was time for us to go. I gave E a quick kissed goodbye & said bye to his friend’s Lucy and Jacob.
Thoughts: E seems so comfortable in the environment. He enjoys doing his work, but also interacting with the other kids. Even though it’s only been 2.5 months, he seems to know most of the kids & has build long lasting friendship with them.
Love: his smile when he saw us…. And how he was holding hands with his friends. It’s so nice.
November 16, 2013: Had my OB appointment today at 16 weeks. The OB did an ultrasound and I got to see baby. She was so cute. I got to see her beating heart, see her stretch, and look at her long legs. She was moving around a lot. The OB called her a little show off. I now weight 60.3kg – 133 pounds.
We asked E what he would like to call her & he would like to call her Swiggley  form the cartoon show Justin Time because Swiggley is so cute.
November 19, 2013:  My conversation with E, when E was looking for a toy:
  • E: “I don’t want this? I want something else.”
  • Mommy: “Is it in the tool box?”
  • E: “No”
  • Mommy: “Are you sure?”
  • E: “Yes”
  • Mommy (looking in the tool box): “Is it this?”
  • E: “How did it get there.”
E new catch phrases:
  • “You joking?”
  • “You funny”

November 21, 2013: Teacher Meeting

We met with E’s teachers Ms. Sarah & Ms Portia. They showed us some photos of E and the things he was doing in class.

  • We looked over his homework page, which he works on Friday & E’s weekly “letter” coloring
  • They told us Lucy looks for E for comfort
  • E is caring & is a jokester at school. He likes to say, “_______ is silly or I’m joking”
  • He has a lovely smile
  • He does need little nudges to get work
  • He collaboratively worked with Jacob on “work”
  • E does need to work on pronounciating some letters and sounds

November 25, 2013: E had a wonderful time with his Daddy on Friday at the Paint Splatter Party. E told me he got paint all over. I asked him if he wants to do it again and he said no. But he did have fun! During the party, his friend Jacob kept coming back to E. He would grab E’s hand and bring him to the activities. It was so cute. After the party, E needed a nice bath! His face, hands, hair, head was full of paint!

This weekend we finally brought back our old bed frame for E’s room. He was so excited! He loves the bed!

We also did the Christmas Tree. This time, E helped a lot with building the tree & placing the ornaments on the tree! He was so excited looking at the ornaments! His little pinetree from school is also growing lots! You can see it sprouting above the pot!

November 27, 2013: Yesterday, E came home with his pants (knee) wet and we thought he fell. He said, “no.” He than tells me they have a new ladder at school, which is why his knee got all wet. I ask him if the new ladder is in the playground. He responded, “yes.” I told him to show it to me next time. When we went to school today, I ask E about this new ladder. He goes infront of the slide and starts climbing on it. He tells me that’s his new ladder… now we all know why his knee was all wet!

E has been waking up in the middle of the night and would kiss my cheek or my arm & snuggle right beside me. Love it!

November 29, 2013: On Wednesday, we took E to the dentist. No cavities! Afterwards, we went to the Christmas market in Queen Elizabeth Theatre. He loved the carousel! Although he doesn’t like riding the horses, he loves sitting on the still carriage. He was all smiles! We tried the tornado potato, pork bun & hot dog. E enjoyed his hot chocolate – although the first sip did burn his tongue! We walked around the market trying treats. He loved trying the chocolates & popcorn. There were some stalls selling toys, which he enjoyed looking at and playing. He was really scared of the gingerbread man & gingerbread lady! When they came near him, he ran away. Once he ran so far, G had to run after him. However, when we were leaving, he was happy to wave goodbye to them. He even gave a high five to the gingerbread lady. He may felt braver because he was sitting on top of his daddy’s shoulder.

After the festivities, we went home and did crafts! We made ornaments! First we did the molding by mixing water and the powder. After the mixture, we poured it into the molding tray. After 30 minutes, it was ready to be popped out and painted! E painted 3 ornaments – reindeer, bell & Santa – in rainbow colors. I painted the snowman & his daddy painted the stocking w/ the bear & the Christmas tree. We all had fun painting!

After painting, we decided to get some toys ready to donate. E’s daddy asks E if we can donate the green lantern that he got from his birthday. He said he can’t give away the toy because someone bought it for him – so it’s his. Gary than goes to his closet and got his spiderman toy out and ask if we can donate that and he said yes because no one got it for him. He obviously forgot someone got it for him for his birthday. Apparently, E has selective memory. His excuse was pretty funny.

The night was spent with the Christmas tree lights on, Christmas music in the background and us sitting and relaxing on the sofa with the occasional dancing and singing. Today was a busy, but fun day!

The next day was another fun filled craft day! His cousins A & M came over after dinner and we made cool crayon shapes! They brought over crayons and chocolate molds. We cut the crayons & placed it into the mold. The 3 kids chose their own molds. E chose dinosaurs b/c he loves them! Once all the molds were filled, we placed it in the oven and melted them. Afterwards, we placed it outside to dry. It came out to look pretty cool! E loves the dinosaurs! I told E he can only choose a few to keep, but he kept saying, “all of them.” It took him a while to choose 4 dinosaurs & be happy with his choice. E had a lot of fun making crayons and playing with his cousins! So cute!

October 31, 2013: Halloween


E was so excited about Halloween! He kept asking us if it’s Halloween yet. When the day came, he was super happy! He got out of bed all smiles to go to school & changed to his Ninja costume! When we went to school, he got a bit nervous when he saw a kid dressed up as a duck crying in the corner. When we saw his teacher Ms. Sarah – she smiled at E and told me he’s been telling her he’ll be dressing up as an Black Ninja all week!

E got less nervous when we went upstairs to his class. Beside the front of the door were bags with all the kids name. We placed the loots in each bag. E helped me placed the first few before he went to class.

After school, when we picked up E, he was so happy carrying his little goodie bag! He couldn’t help peeking inside his goodie bag as we walk to the car. When we got home, he explored all the treats. After lunch, we convinced him to nap as we knew it was gonna be a long night.

After his nap, we dressed him up in his ninja costume & went around granville looking for a new trick o treat bag. We finally found one in pottery barn. On the way back, we dropped by purdy’s to get some “nice” chocolates for E and his cousins. E was very lucky as they were giving treats out to kids. E got a treat from purdy & restoration & hardware. He was so happy to get his first treats.

We told E we were meeting up with his cousins M & A to go trick o treating. We met up for dinner and after dinner, we went to Oak & 20th to trick o treat. E walked with his daddy and went to the door himself with M to say trick o treat. He was having a lot of fun. We walked for an hour in a half and got over 50+ candies. While we were walking pass the park, there were people doing fireworks. The kids were happy to see fireworks!

At the end of the night, E ate a lot of treats! He told us he had a fun time & he likes trick o treating. While he was looking at his candies, he started to split his candy into 3 piles – mommy / daddy / E. His pile was the smallest, but he told me, ‘that’s ok.”

That night, we watched a Halloween movie, had fruits & E slept at 11pm.

What a day of fun. To make the day more special, I started to feel baby fluttering in my tummy!

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October 2013: Summary & Photos


October 7, 2013: Presently, E loves the cartoon show Transformers: Rescue Bots. He doesn’t have their toys, so to play Rescue Bots, he used his cars and pretend they were the Rescue Bots. He had similar vehicles as the ones they used – Firetruck (Heatwave), Helicopter (Blade), Construction Truck (Boulder), Police Car (Chase) and would used them to rescue people. Love how he uses his imagination!

October 11, 2013: As per E, “When I am a grown up, I will still be your baby.”

One day at school: E was telling me one of the little boys in his class keeps hitting everyone, including him. He told me today he told the boy to stop hitting him and the kid said, “OK”. E tells me, “it’s not good to fight right?” I’m proud he chose to use his words and this incident shows it works. 

October 12, 2013: Me and E decided to play Simon Said. E was Simon. After playing a few rounds, E goes, “Simon says play with me” … so I got stuck playing toys with E. I thought that was a pretty smart play. Got outsmarted … by a 4 years old. 

October 20, 2013: E has now started to get his own pyjamas, brushing his own teeth & wearing his own clothes. Sometimes he would whine about it, but he still does it. We’re proud of his new independence.  

October 21, 2013: Today was the pumpkin patch and E had a blast. We went as a family and he was so exited to pick out his own pumpkin. After dinner, he drew on the pumpkin with a big smile on his face. E was so happy, he spelt his name on the pumpkin without help – “I wrote my name all by myself ..oh yea.. oh yea … ” E said with excitement!

October 30, 2013: The fall leaves were too pretty not to take photos! After we picked up E from school, we decided to take some photos of the fall leaves. E had fun running around, throwing leaves! The colours of the leaves made the photos look so warm!

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October 5 to October 8, 2013: Weekend Fun & School

E’s been telling us he’s making new friends at school. Every time he talks about the people he meets, he gets so excited! So far, he met Owen, Lucy, Zachary, Jacob and Marques. He was telling me he was playing with Zachary and Marques in the tree house. He loves playing outside after class. When we pick him up, the teacher would call his name, but he’ll be so busy playing, the teacher would need to call his name a few more time before he’ll come. E really enjoys running outside the school yard. It’s only been a month, but he’s really enjoying school. He loves his teachers & meeting new friends. It’s nice to hear his stories and who he meets. His writing has also been improving. He now knows his “E” and “T.” Every month, he would trace the numbers in the calendar to 30 / 31. The artwork he’s been doing in class has also been really neat! I can’t wait to see how E improves throughout the school year.
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This weekend we went to Richmond to look at the Halloween decorations with his cousins S & B. Even though E was a bit scared of the Halloween train ride, he did have fun riding it with his daddy & cousins. Afterwards, we walked around the mall taking photos with all the decorations.
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The next day we went to Science World with his cousins A & M. They had a lot of fun going to each section from animals to playing outside with the red balloons. That day, there was a table where kids could learn how to make DNA with twizzlers, marshmallow and toothpick. Surprisingly, E was able to duplicate the “DNA” with the twizzlers, marshmallows, toothpick and was the first one to finish! He definitely impressed the volunteers! They were saying he could be a future engineer! This just shows that he can copy and learn things quickly when he wants to … the little guy is definitely growing before our eyes!
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September 27, 2013: E’s First Field Trip With His School

E went on his first field trip with his school. They went to the Bloedel Conservatory. When his Daddy dropped him off, E got really upset when he started to leave. E ran to his Daddy, hung on to his leg, and started crying. E was telling his Daddy, “don’t leave me.” His teacher had to come by to comfort E. After his Daddy left, E eventually stopped crying. His school sent us photos of the trip and he looked happy. When he got home, he told me he saw lots of different birds and plants.

Thoughts: I didn’t realize it was his first field trip without us. Luckily his tears were only for a moment.

Love: How E’s school sent photos of their trip!

September 25, 2013: The Ultrasound

Today we had an ultrasound booked for 8pm. We were all there waiting. I was really nervous, but I knew there was nothing I can do. When I went into the ultrasound, E and his daddy had to wait outside. They will call him in once the technician finishes measuring everything. She was explaining what she was looking at, but I couldn’t concentrate. I just wanted to make sure our little peanut had a heartbeat! When we finally went to look at the baby, I was so happy when we saw baby’s pumping heart! Baby had a heartbeat of 175 & was 8 week, 4 days old. Everything looks good. E and his daddy came in after and saw the baby! We explained to E that there was baby’s heartbeat. He was a bit interested at first. After a while, he lost interest. I think he might be more interested when we do the detailed ultrasound. E will be able to see the baby’s hands, feet, etc.

Thoughts: Am relieved to finally see the baby’s heartbeat! I was so nervous, but am glad our first obstacle is over. On to the next.

Love: Knowing our baby is safe in my tummy